This software is a result of my experiments with text functions.
Four ways of modification input text are available in this application:
Letters mixing:
This option changes the places of the letters inside every word. The first and the last letters are not moved in order to leave the text readable.
After letters mashing this text will look like:
Tihs oopitn cengahs the pacels of the ltertes inisde eevry word. The fsrit and the last lertets are not mvoed in oredr to lveae the txet rebalade.
All the words in the text will loose their vowels. Only those words, which consist entirely of vowels, will store the first one.
That’s how this text will look after disemvoweling:
ll th wrds n th txt wll ls thr vwls. nl ths wrds, whch cnsst ntrl f vwls, wll str th frst n.
Reverse text
All the words are spelled backwards.
Lla eht sdrow era delleps sdrawkcab.
This is a Medieval Russian cipher, which changes only consonants.
Gsih ih a Newiefap Juhhiam xilsej, dsixs xsamteh ompy xomhomamgh.
You can paste the source text from and copy result to clipboard by single click on the most left and the most right buttons.
You can use this program in various ways:
- shortening your tweets,
- making posts in pseudo-foreign language,
- making tasks for English-learners to restore the words with mixed letters or disappeared vowels, etc.
Download Funny Text Utility for Windows, FreeWare, 400KB